Children of Hope: Baye Amare

The life and story of Baye is one of heartache and challenge, but this resilient young man has redefined it to one of purpose and giving. At a very young age Baye was orphaned and left with no support or family, surviving by his wits and ingenuity.


But what a difference HOPE makes! In 2012 Baye joined VCDS and came into a new family of care and support.  Freed from the cycle of poverty with no options, Baye received a lifeline – food, shelter and help with his education. Now in university and doing well, Baye has returned to VCDS to pour hope into the lives of his fellow orphans.

This past summer, Baye spent his school vacation investing in VCDS supported students, those whom he calls his brothers and sisters, by providing English tutorial classes 3 days a week. By pouring into these kids Baye is making a difference in their understanding and language mastery, helping them make significant strides towards better grades. Additionally, Baye worked as a paid English teacher in the community earning extra income.

In the way VCDS and his sponsors have made a difference in his life, Baye is in turn making a difference by giving and investing in the lives of his community. This is what hope looks like – a life changed by love changing lives in turn.